Case Study For Social Anxiety Management Assignment Paper
To manage social anxiety I would suggest the administration of non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic, for example, buspirone since it has minim side-effects for dependency, lowering the likelihood of abuse (Melaragno, 2021)Case Study For Social Anxiety Management Assignment Paper. Decreased side-effects are interlinked to its, its half-life is minimum compared to other drugs used to treat anxiety, thus he would feel less sleepy and benefit from the conference.
My choice of drug as a certified PMHNP would depend on the extremity of the patient’s social anxiety. For mild to severe anxiety, my first line choice of drug would be buspirone to counter anxiety symptoms (Melaragno, 2021). For second-line treatment as suggested by Nordqvist (2023)Case Study For Social Anxiety Management Assignment Paper, I would suggest that the he uses benzodiazepine drugs for example, lorazepam if the symptoms were more severe. Understanding the side effects of the drugs such as the risk for drowsiness, dependency, and misuse of the drugs would also be another factor I would put in consideration while providing the prescription. In this case, I would prefer that the patient uses a buspirone rather than a benzodiazepine since the mentoined effects were less likely to occur with its usage.
There are ethical and legal considerations in patient handling and the administration of drugs to promote wellness. Firstly, I would ensure that I educate the patient on their condition and the drugs I intend to administer by ensuring that they understand their advantages and associated side effects, enabling them to make informed choices as explained by Haddad and Geiger (2023)Case Study For Social Anxiety Management Assignment Paper, as I also attain informed consent for care provision. I would also attain beneficence by administering drugs that would promote wellness by lowering anxiety symptoms to the patient with no harmful side effects, thus attaining non-maleficence. According to Nordqvist (20230, benzodiazepines are among restricted drugs due to the risk for dependence and its overuse, therefore, I would opt for an alternative drug and exercise caution during prescription.
Haddad, M. L., & Geiger, A. R. (2023, August 14). Nursing ethical considerations – StatPearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Melaragno, A. J. (2021). Pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders: From first-line options to treatment resistance. FOCUS, 19(2), 145-160.
Nordqvist, J. (2023, January 11). Benzodiazepines: Uses, types, side effects, and risks. Medical and health information. Case Study For Social Anxiety Management Assignment Paper
Initial Discussion
Scenario: You were asked by a friend to prescribe a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic for the management of his social anxiety since he is going to present at a conference next week
Describe the decision you would make regarding the scenario selected, provide the rationale.
Discuss at least two strategies that would guide your decision making as a PMHNP
Discuss the ethical and legal implication involved in the scenario selected
Provide evidence-based references to support your rationale Case Study For Social Anxiety Management Assignment Paper