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Briefly explain the difference between sex and gender then list and explain two examples of gender versus two examples of sex. In doing so make sure to be clear on which examples are sex, and which are gender (B) What is feminist theory? Explain using the foundations of feminist theory slide and any other research you choose to do (C) How might an interaction


Home » Uncategorized » Briefly explain the difference between sex and gender then list and explain two examples of gender versus two examples of sex. In doing so make sure to be clear on which examples are sex, and which are gender (B) What is feminist theory? Explain using the foundations of feminist theory slide and any other research you choose to do (C) How might an interaction

1) Answer the following questions:

(A) Briefly explain the difference between sex and gender then list and explain two examples of gender versus two examples of sex. In doing so make sure to be clear on which examples are sex, and which are gender

(B) What is feminist theory? Explain using the foundations of feminist theory slide and any other research you choose to do

(C) How might an interactionist explain the fact that there are far fewer women that run for office in the Republican party than there are in the Democratic party?

(D) Highlight and explain, based on the notes, at least 3 areas of gender inequality and why they matter?

(E) Try to complete the following essay in 300 or less words. Do you believe that we are currently closer to full racial equality or full gender equality? There is not a clear right answer here, you will be judged based on your reasoning and use of information from the course. Make sure to provide at least 2 clear reasons for your decision.

Reference: https://www.mediafire.com/file/o0z5zcggkbrgk73/CSP-_Gender_and_Sexuality_Notes_.pptx/file

2) Please read the following article:

(A) Chapter 4 of the online textbook


(B) Worldwide views on Gender Equality

Worldwide Optimism About Future of Gender Equality, Even as Many See Advantages for Men


After reading over lecture notes and the book chapter provided. Please respond to the following essay prompt.

“In 250-350 words please identify and explain the five most important points learned from the article and the book. In explaining your answer make sure to explain the point and explain HOW or WHY it is important to your understanding of the topic.”

3) Watch the following videos

– The Miss Representation Video (8.5 minutes). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja8j7tOPZhI&t=6s

– Pixar Short Film Purl (8.5 minutes). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6uuIHpFkuo

After completing the video write a short response (no more than 200 words) addressing the following 2 questions:

(A) What do you find interesting about these videos? What are they trying to point out?

(B) Can you identify a time in your life when you learned a message about how you were supposed to behave based on your own gender? Or where you felt left out because of your gender. Please explain the example and apply it to the concepts in the videos.

4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN2W0fv8hY4Links to an external site.

After completing the film The Mask You Live In, available on YouTube or Kanopy, complete the following homework prompts.

(A) Identify and explain at least 5 ways that men are socialized differently from women and use an example from the film to illustrate the point.

(B) Please write a 100-word review of the film, expressing what value you believe the film has for the audience and what, if any, problems exist with the film.

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