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research in nursing

Select a research article that uses a randomized controlled trial focusing on a clinical nursing problem of your choice. Use this research article to address the following questions:

Provide an APA reference of the article including a GCU permalink or working link used to access the article.
Using the “CASP Randomized Controlled Trial Checklist,” found in topic Resources, evaluate the study. Based on your findings, summarize the critical appraisal of the selected research article.
Do the benefits of the experimental intervention outweigh the harms and costs? Identify and discuss one other ethical consideration applicable to quantitative research studies such as this one.
Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN Discussion Question Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively



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Reflect on the importance of standardized nursing languages (SNL) and how they relate to patient safety

After completing the Learning Activities in Module 1, reflect on the importance of standardized nursing languages (SNL) and how they relate to patient safety.

Explain the importance of using standardized nursing languages to document nursing care and enhance patient safety. How are standardized languages different from abbreviations used in healthcare? How does SNL enhance patient safety? Be specific and provide examples from your practice.

Complete this part of the Assessment using the XI3001 Performance Task Assessment Template.


Review the Learning Activities in Module 1 and focus on the field of Nursing Informatics for this part of the Performance Task.

Create a 1-page informational pamphlet that uses text as well as images to explain the field of nursing informatics to nurses who are thinking about a career in nursing informatics. Include the following elements:

· A definition of nursing informatics

· At least three components of nursing informatics

· A definition of the DIKW pyramid within the context of nursing informatics.

· An explanation of how nurses might use nursing informatics in their practice (provide at least three examples).

Use your own words and aim to be creative. Cite any sources used in APA format on a separate reference page.

Submit your informational pamphlet as a separate document.

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A Case Analysis of AMC Assignment objective: AMC is the largest movie theater operator in the world. AMC recently became a popular meme stock. Take a few minutes to learn more about AMC Theaters. https://www.amctheatres.com/ Length:

A Case Analysis of AMC Assignment objective: AMC is the largest movie theater operator in the world. AMC recently became a popular meme stock. Take a few minutes to learn more about AMC Theaters. https://www.amctheatres.com/ Length: Your submission is required to be at least 5 pages in length and not more than 7 pages, not including the title page and references. References: A minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references are required. APA formatting is required to be used for citations and references. Use this definition to define the term in the instructions. Definitions: Scholarly journals are sometimes called academic journals. The terms are often used interchangeably to describe the same type of publication. These types of publications are published by universities, academic institutions, professional associations, and commercial enterprises and are compiled by scholars, academics, and other subject authorities. Details: In your paper, include the following: Introduction Analyze the market before the COVID-19 pandemic. Describe how the pandemic affected the movie theater industry. Explain price discrimination in the movie theater market. Movie theater employees are generally paid hourly. Design an incentive pay structure for AMC Theaters and explain how it would work. Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to AMC Theater’s business model Apply the concepts of game theory to short selling and meme stocks as it relates to AMC Theaters Assess AMC Theater’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues. Explain the asymmetric information issues that lead to short selling and meme stocks. Apply the concepts of moral hazard to short selling and meme stocks, using AMC as an example. Conclusion Please include Graphs, Charts, Data Examples where you see fit.


Overview:  After reviewing the readings and resources for the unit, you will critique decisions made prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and discuss the lessons learned.


After reviewing the readings and resources for the unit, you will critique decisions made prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and discuss the lessons learned. 


 In the Unit 7 readings and resources, review the Executive Summary of the 9/11 Commission Report: The final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. As you read the Commission’s findings:

          • Identify and critique at least two decisions made prior to the attack that may have enabled Al Qaeda’s ability to attack the United States.

         • Discuss the lessons learned from these decisions from an emergency management and homeland security standpoint.


• Summary should be two to three paragraphs (three to five sentences in each paragraph).


Advocating to Educate on Community Resources to Support Social Determinants of Health

What are significant social needs in your community and how can you help? Through your professional role as a nurse, as well as personal interactions as a community member, you likely have insight into issues that impact certain populations. Chances are you also see from your daily interaction with patients how lack of information or information that is not easily accessible or understandable prevents patients from making changes or getting resources and support that would improve their lives.

Using your knowledge of the social determinants of health and the needs of particular groups, you can be a significant advocate for a healthier community. Think of yourself as a bridge that connects those who need resources with those who can provide them. Every organization can use another voice to spread the word about what they do and offer. Vulnerable populations will benefit from an advocate who is aware of potential barriers, such as language or literacy levels, in recommending community resources.

For this Competency Assessment, you will identify a particular population in your community. You will research this population to understand their specific characteristics and needs and match them to organizations and services in your community. In addition, you will identify missing services to be developed and make the case for strengthening existing services. You will organize your research using a PowerPoint presentation. ( Note: You are not required to add audio narration.) Think of your presentation as a place to start in determining how best to reach and inform your focus population and in filling your role as a social change agent with the information you gather.

To prepare:

· Access the PowerPoint template document for your presentation. Reflect on how to create a presentation that could reach and inform stakeholders in your healthcare facility and your community.

· Research to identify specific needs in your community based on the social determinants of health (SDoH): economic stability, education quality and access, healthcare access and quality, neighborhood and built environment, social and community context.

· Identify a population (e.g., children, families, the elderly, those with a particular health condition, residents of a particular neighborhood) with specific SDoH needs that you will advocate for as a social change agent in your community. Research to identify key characteristics of this population that are important in identifying resources for them, such as age, language, cultural considerations, technology access, literacy levels, and so on.

· Research resources in your community (e.g., organizations and services) you would recommend to the target population to address their specific SDoH needs and improve health and well-being. Aim for resources that will address each SDoH as it impacts your focus population or the SDoH(s) of greatest need. Identify all important information that the population will need to access and benefit from each resource to include the following: location, hours, languages spoken/multilingual materials available, special services, free services/materials, online links. Make a point to learn as much as you can about the resource(s) you highlight, including to determine ways that services could be improved to better meet your population’s needs.

· Based on your research, identify services that are missing in the community and needed by your population.

· Consider strategies for reaching the focus population that align with characteristics of the population (e.g., technology access and forms, such as text, email, or print/poster options).

· Based on your advocacy plan, formulate goals for improving health outcomes for this population.

· Note: The PowerPoint template includes formatting notes and tips. Be sure to delete this information from your slides. Your presentation should feature only your original content and wording.

To complete the Competency Assessment:

Using the PowerPoint template document provided, create a PowerPoint presentation of 10–12 slides, plus title and reference slides, to include the following:

Part 1: Planning for Social Change Advocacy

· Summarize your concerns as a professional nurse about health quality and equity in your community.

· Explain your goals as a professional nurse to be a social change agent in your community. Be specific.

Part 2: Advocating for a Population Based on Social Determinants of Health

· Identify the population in your community for which you will advocate. Describe key characteristics of this population (e.g., age, language, culture). Be specific with examples.

· Identify the population’s needs based on the social determinants of health (SDoH). Include examples to explain these needs.

· Identify three (3) resources (i.e., organizations and services) in your community that you would recommend to this population to address their specific needs, as well as improve health and well-being as defined by the SDoH. Explain your rationale for selecting each resource.

· Describe essential information the population would need to access and benefit from each resource (e.g., location, hours, languages spoken/multi-lingual materials available, special services, free services/materials, online links).

· Identify at least one example of a missing resource that is needed by the population and why.

· Explain recommendations for improving existing services to better meet particular needs.

Part 3: Reaching the Population

· Describe strategies for reaching the population with the community resource information you identified and that align with the characteristics and preferences of this population. Be specific with examples.

· Based on your advocacy plan, identify goals for improving health outcomes for this population.

The post Advocating to Educate on Community Resources to Support Social Determinants of Health first appeared on College Essays Cafe.



Briefly discuss the interrelationship among theory, practice, and research. Then, explain how your future practice as a nurse practitioner can inform theory and research.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.



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W6: Job Cuts Case Study Read the passage below and answer the corresponding questions.  Do We Have to Cut Jobs to Reduce Costs? Some companies are trying unusual tactics to downsize their workforce without the drasti

W6: Job Cuts Case Study

Read the passage below and answer the corresponding questions. 
Do We Have to Cut Jobs to Reduce Costs?

Some companies are trying unusual tactics to downsize their workforce without the drastic job cuts that result in “survivor” syndrome for the remaining employees. Vermont’s Rhino Foods, maker of the cookie dough for Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, sent 15 factory workers to a nearby lip balm factory to help with the holiday rush. The employees were paid by Rhino, which then billed the factory for the hours worked. Nucor Steel has cut time in the factory for its hourly employees. On the days they are not in the factory, employees are paid their base salary to perform maintenance work or to take classes. Luxury Retreats, a villa rental agency, decided to help train existing staff to learn more skills by moving employees from product development to sales areas rather than hiring new employees. Ernst & Young gave 9,000 of its mainland China and Hong Kong employees the opportunity to take one month of unpaid leave during the first half of 2009. Almost 90 percent of the firm’s auditors agreed to take the unpaid leave.

In an approximately a 750-word essay, address the following:

Explain why companies would put in the time and effort to develop alternative strategies in order to avoid cutting jobs and laying off employees.Considering economic reasons as well as social responsibility, do you believe companies should avoid layoffs at all costs? Explain your answer.Discuss if you believe job losses and layoffs can be beneficial for companies and for employees.State your opinions about training and development. Do you believe it can help reduce or eliminate the need for layoffs?



1.Describe the roles and responsibilities of the APRN when prescribing medication.
2.Describe the method used to determine what drug therapy to prescribe?
3.Discuss responsibilities for patient education and teaching based on the prescribed therapy.
4.Discuss Schedule drugs and prescribing restrictions for each scheduled drug.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
Each question must be answered individually as in bullet points. Not in an essay format.
Example: Question 1, followed by the answer to question 1; Question 2, followed by the answer to question 2; and so forth.



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In Chapter 11 of your textbook, you read the top ten factors that can lead to the initiative decay and the eight sets of actions to ensure sustainable change. Discuss the validity


In Chapter 11 of your textbook, you read the top ten factors that can lead to the initiative decay and the eight sets of actions to ensure sustainable change. Discuss the validity of these threats and the efficacy of these actions for a company that is about to transform its entire work environment from traditional, office based to fully online work model. Although you do not have to address each of these, ensure to refer to the specific threat and action you plan to use for this scenario. 

To earn full credit, post an initial response of 500 words that includes at least one APA citation and the associated reference 


Action Item: Writing a Reflection

In your final week in this course, first fill out the checklist below to measure your networking skills. After receiving your score, write a reflection addressing the following questions:

What do you need to work on to improve yourself if you are to work in an organization?How can you benefit from the change management concepts and topics you have learned throughout this course and your textbook?

Remember that this reflection is an honest evaluation of yourself and your skills as an organizational change practitioner. Therefore, in your reflection, it is important to address not only the areas of opportunities but also your areas of strengths and how you plan to continuously improve them. Your reflection should be at least two pages (double-spaced, 12 pt., and 1000 words). Finally, please write your reflection paper at the end of the checklist.

Please submit the filled-out checklist that includes your reflection


Advocating for a Population Based on Social Determinants of Health

1. Identify the population in your community for which you will advocate. Describe key characteristics of this population (e.g., age, language, culture). Be specific with examples.

1. Identify the population’s needs based on the social determinants of health (SDoH). Include examples to explain these needs.

1. Identify three (3) resources (i.e., organizations and services) in your community that you would recommend to this population to address specific needs, as well as improve health and well-being as defined by the SDoH. Explain your rationale for selecting each resource.

1. Describe essential information the population would need to access and benefit from each resource (e.g., location, hours, languages spoken/multi-lingual materials available, special services, free services/materials, online links).

1. Identify at least one example of a missing resource that is needed by the population and why.

1. Explain recommendations for expanding or strengthening existing services to meet particular needs better.

Part 3: Reaching the Population

1. Describe strategies for reaching the population with the community resource information you identified and that align with the characteristics and preferences of this population. Be specific with examples.

1. Based on your advocacy plan, identify goals for improving health outcomes for this population.

Once you submit your responses, assess yourself using the rubric provided. Use your Pre-Assessment submission and any feedback you may garner to improve and refine your responses.

Use the following rubric to assess your response to the prompts:

The post Advocating for a Population Based on Social Determinants of Health first appeared on College Essays Cafe.

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