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Throughout your MBA program, you have worked to develop as a business professional and prepare to meet future challenges as a business leader. Your program culminates i

Throughout your MBA program, you have worked to develop as a business professional and prepare to meet future challenges as a business leader. Your program culminates in the capstone project, which forms the primary focus of this course, the final course you will take in the program. The capstone project is intended to provide for you the opportunity to demonstrate your MBA program outcomes in these ways: • Planning and executing the strategic and tactical elements of a comprehensive project. • Integrating and demonstrating the business leadership skills and techniques you have learned throughout the MBA program and your own growth as a business leader. • Communicating your analysis and recommendations for a real organization both in written form and in a formal presentation. • Completing your MBA program with an experience that reinforces what you have learned throughout your MBA program. Assessment Description For complete details, refer to the MBA Capstone Project Description [PDF] Download MBA Capstone Project Description [PDF]and scoring guide. Your capstone project should address these expectations: • Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. • Integrate information across disciplines from differing perspectives. • Develop logical, well-supported, evidence-based solutions to business challenges and opportunities. • Apply innovative, strategic, and sustainable approaches to business practice and planning. • Apply leadership and collaboration principles and strategies for virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments. • Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions. • Communicate clearly and effectively in a business environment. Additional Expectations • Include an executive summary following your cover page. • Include various body sections that contain the analysis and recommendations. • Include a conclusion that summarizes main points of the paper. As an MBA learner, you have access to a free subscription to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Take advantage of that subscription, and do some of your research in the WSJ. Try to include at least one source from the WSJ in your final draft. Submission Requirements • Style: Your paper should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs. Use a professional writing style. • Communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality. • APA guidelines: Format your citations according to current APA style. • Resources: Use at least six citations from credible sources. • Length: Your paper should be 15–20 pages, not including front and back matter (cover page, executive summary, table of contents, references, appendices). Papers that do not meet this minimum will be immediately returned for revision. • Font and font size: 12 point, Times New Roman


No title

1. Describe the basic features of the healthcare system as described by DeNisco.
2. Elaborate on how the US healthcare system might be described as
3. fragmented; making sure to include information about the mix of private and public insurance.
Hypothesize a possible policy solution that could change the system to be less fragmented.
Advanced Practice Nursing – chapters 1, 5 & 6
Understand Health Policy A Clinical Approach – chapter 7



The post No title appeared first on Nursing Term Papers.


You have just been appointed to a leadership position in a prison in the state where you live. You are the fourth person to be in this role within the past year. Your responsibilities are to ensure that correctional officers are maintaining ethica

Assignment Details

You have just been appointed to a leadership position in a prison in the state where you live. You are the fourth person to be in this role within the past year. Your responsibilities are to ensure that correctional officers are maintaining ethical and professional standards while on duty.

This paper explores the effect that inmate classification has on prison misconduct.

Using the knowledge that you have gained from this week’s reading assignments, Intellipath and MUSE assets, and other information provided, address the following questions in a 2-3 page paper:

Describe the different perspectives of liability that officers may have from correctional leaders.Discuss why leadership styles may need to be adjusted in different prison environments.Finally, explain how you, as a correctional leader, would handle officers’ ethical issues, such as not reporting inmate altercations as required.

While it is not necessary to provide complete citations in an APA format, your paper should include URLs and titles for any information used to support your position.Grading Rubric.



Internal strengths can fit into various categories that include marketing, human resources, assets, and financial. Our textbook provides some valuable tools to analyze financial elements within the HSO, but not everyone will have access to that level of financial information. You can consider asking any of the questions below or using another analysis tool you have located. The internal strengths and weaknesses is also a great category to be completed using focus groups or by conducting a phone interview with the HSO managers or leaders. Strengths: 1. What do we do best? 2. What unique knowledge, talent, or resources do we have? 3. What advantages do we have? 4. What do other people say we do well? 5. What resources do we have available? 6. What is our greatest achievement? Weaknesses:
1. What could we improve?
2. What knowledge, talent, skills and/or resources are we lacking?
3. What disadvantages do we have?
4. What do other people say we do not do well?
5. In what areas do we need more training?
6. What customer complaints have we had about our service?

The post DDHA 8503 MODULE 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 FOCUSED ANALYSIS INFORMATION first appeared on College Essays Cafe.


You are the director of IT and security for an ebook retailer. Your CEO has come to you and is not sure if multi-factor authentication (MFA) is worth it. He thinks it would be too costly. You will conduct

Unit Outcomes:

Relate types of investments for technological environments.Identify technical risks within an organization.Estimate the required financial investment to appropriately mitigate risks.

Course Outcome:

IT592-1: Analyze effective financial tools for technical environments.


The purpose of this assignment is for you to conduct a cost benefit analysis for using blockchain in your eCommerce.

Assignment Instructions


You are the director of IT and security for an ebook retailer. Your CEO has come to you and is not sure if multi-factor authentication (MFA) is worth it. He thinks it would be too costly.

You will conduct the cost benefit analysis for this endeavor. You will have to do research to see what technology is available and applicable.

By answering these questions, you will be able to help your company decide “what” to do.

To begin, note that the following four systems should have MFA:

The company has its eCommerce system hosted. You can assume it is hosted at Amazon. Your staff manages the eCommerce site.The office has an eero router/firewall. Your staff manages the router/firewall.Personnel use ADP to log their working time.All workstations and laptops are Windows based, and personnel have to log in to their machines.

Do the benefits of MFA on these systems outweigh the costs? Your analysis should include all costs (including personnel). It should also include all benefits. Benefits should be quantified. This is much easier for tangible benefits, but it is important not to ignore intangible benefits. The intangible benefits can be used to supplement your analysis.

Assignment Requirements

You will submit two different items. First, you will create a 2- to 3-page report of your cost benefit analysis, including a summary of your conclusions. Provide as much evidence to support the assertions that you make. Second, for the financial calculations used in your analysis, use Excel® or Google Sheets. Please make sure headings are supplied for cost items in the spreadsheet.


Name and describe five areas of potential conflict of Interest for consultants

Ethics Reading

READ NASP’S Ethical Standards (Find it in google)

1) Name and describe five areas of potential conflict of Interest for consultants.

2) Describe 7 broad areas of competence consultants should develop.

Part 2:

· How do you suppose communication skills in school consultation would be similar to and/or different from day-to-day communication?

Part 3:

ABC QUESTIONS: For this part, mark the right answer. Please organize the document in a clear way. I cannot fix the format for the last questions.

1) Communication has been defined in a variety of ways, all of which include

a. the message, the meaning, and a receiver

b. the sender, the message, and a receiver

c. the sender and a receiver

d. the sender, the meaning, a receiver

2) Effective communication includes any of the following

a. Attending, active listening, reframing, and empathy

b. Attending, active listening, reflective listening, and directing

c. Active listening, empathy, directing, and attending

d. All of the above

3) Attending skills are characterized by

a. eye contact

b. head nods

c. squinting or lifting of the eyebrows

d. All of the above

4) Roadblocks to active listening include

a. Ordering, commanding, directing

b. Advising, offering solutions, or suggestions

c. Name-calling, stereotyping, labeling

d. All of the above

5) The most important and delicate skill applied during consultation is

a. Active listening

b. Questioning

c. Sympathy

d. Examining existing data

6) Questions serve all of the following purposes EXCEPT

a. to gather information

b. to seek opinions

c. to detect attitudes

d. to gain influence

7) The following are potential barriers to effective communication EXCEPT

a. Advice and false reassurances

b. Misdirected questions and wandering interaction

c. Problem-solving

d. Interruptions and credibility gap

8) Consultation is essentially a problem-solving process that is dependent on _______________ and _________________.

a. Interpersonal skills and Questioning

b. Effective communication and interpersonal skills

c. Questioning and effective communication

d. Effective communication and active listening

9. A consultant can make a valuable contribution by being everything but:

a. pessimistic

b. optimistic

c. data-based

d. flexible

10. Competent consultants will try to strike a balance between __________ and ___________ power bases.

a. Informational and coercive

b. reward and coercive

c. referent and expert

d. empathetic and referent

11. When a consultee shows no interest in consultation and simply stonewalls the whole process, the consultant is experiencing this type of resistance:

a. “I did it, but it didn’t work”

b. “Yes, but…”

c. Direct block

d. None of the above

13. When a consultee refuses to try a new approach because his or her approach works “just fine,” the consultant is experiencing this cause of resistance:

a. Habit strength

b. Too much work

c. Philosophical belief conflicts

d. All of the above

14. Methods to overcome resistance include

a. Making the consultee feel comfortable and establishing a clear plan

b. Reducing the threat and amount of effort required by the consultee

c. Developing positive expectations and offering incentives

d. All of the above

15. Sources of resistance to effective collaboration with families include all of the following EXCEPT

a. Feelings of inadequacy

b. Previous bad experiences with schools

c. Limited interest in consultation

d. Limited knowledge about school policies

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Responding to Abnormal Physical Assessment Findings With Culturally Competent Care  One goal of this Competency is to acknowledge your experience and to help you examine, interpret, and learn from it in ways that advance your nursing skills. This Comp

Responding to Abnormal Physical Assessment Findings With Culturally Competent Care 

One goal of this Competency is to acknowledge your experience and to help you examine, interpret, and learn from it in ways that advance your nursing skills. This Competency also puts priority on addressing aspects of nursing that are inevitable yet can be inherently challenging. 

With those goals in mind, your Competency Assessment requires an example of an abnormal finding in the physical assessment of a patient. You are encouraged to draw from your own experience. However, you may also work with a focus case obtained from another professional nurse. Consider details, such as the following, that you will need to provide:

What was the purpose of the exam?How was the abnormality found?How was it determined to be abnormal?Was the abnormal finding usual/unusual, otherwise characterized, based the patient’s age/place in the lifespan?How was the finding shared with the patient?What were next steps for diagnosis and/or treatment?

Explaining the role of cultural competence in nursing care is an equally important component of this Assessment. You will analyze the impact of cultural competence in conducting a physical assessment and responding to an abnormal finding. You will explain how a nurse’s demonstration of cultural competence would improve the patient’s experience and potential outcomes. For these requirements, you may incorporate details about your focus patient that you know. Or, you may approach this part of the Assessment by presenting best practices.

Your Performance Task is to draw this information on cultural competence and physical assessment together in a PowerPoint presentation to inform nurses in a practice setting on providing culturally competent care and the particular impact with physical assessments that have abnormal findings. (Note: You are not required to include audio narration.) Be sure to adhere to rules of confidentiality and omit identifying details about the patient, healthcare setting, or other healthcare providers.

Note: Be sure to delete the formatting notes and tips in the PowerPoint template. Your presentation should feature only your original content and wording.

To complete the Competency Assessment:

Using the PowerPoint template document, create a PowerPoint presentation of 11–14 slides, plus a title slide and reference slide(s), to include the following: 

Part 1: Providing Culturally Competent Care   

Explain what “cultural competence” means in professional nursing practice.Describe examples of how culturally competent care benefits patients and patient outcomes.Explain practical approaches to demonstrating cultural competence, including cultural humility, in nursing care.Explain how knowledge of a patient’s culture, including norms and beliefs, is important in a physical assessment, and why.Identify a patient who is the focus of your presentation with appropriate details: the patient’s age, cultural background, health background, and purpose of the physical assessment.

Part 2: Responding to an Abnormal Finding in a Physical Assessment 

Explain what you found in the physical assessment of the patient, how you made the identification, and why the finding was abnormal.Based on the patient’s age and place in the lifespan, explain how you characterize this finding, and why.Explain how knowledge of the patient’s cultural norms and beliefs supports presenting the abnormal finding to the patient.Explain your decision making on next steps for the patient.If you were making a referral for this patient, explain what you would consider, and why.Explain the impact and value of this experience on your nursing practice, with specific examples.


XI3001 Pre-Assessment Performance Task Submission Template

Module 2: Applying the DIKW Model in Nursing Practice

Data: Provide one piece of health data ( without interpretation) related to an issue in nursing practice. Choose your data using the information from one of these two sites https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/omh/browse.aspx?lvl=1&lvlid=4 or https://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/index.htm

What does this information tell you? Below you will need to add more information to the original data to provide context and add value to the data.

Information: A collection of facts that gives meaning to the data.

Provide 5 additional facts regarding the data above. The information may be from single or multiple sources. You are encouraged to use the Walden Library to find information on the topic. Provide a citation in APA format for each of the 5 facts.






Knowledge: Interpreting information and putting it all together.

Use your nursing education, experience, and nursing literature to write a paragraph to identify knowledge related to the data and information. Use journals, white papers, and governmental and academic websites. Please do not use dot com websites. Cite all your sources in APA format.

Wisdom: Knowledge Applied to Take Actions and Make Decisions.

Provide 3 appropriate nursing actions in relation to the issues identified.




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In A Grove

Attached you will find a Japanese short story, In A Grove. The author, Ryunosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927) is seen in many circles as the first modern Japanese writer to gain a broad appreciation in the Western world. Of his writing, we are told, “Psychology fascinated him, and often in his stories, a detached, impersonal narrator illuminates the human mind and soul. With penetrating vision, he saw the dark side of even virtuous and heroic behavior, and he conveyed psychological reality in a variety of literary styles that ranged from realism in his early stories to surrealism in his last great works.”

Originally published in 1922, the story presents us with several versions of an event.

Your task: read the story and decide whose “truth” do you most identify with (the wife, the husband, or the thief)? Write a document of 2-3 paragraphs (double-spaced) wherein you explain which elements of that person’s “truth” you feel are most relateable and why you feel the versions of the other two are not. Refer to the testimony of the others as needed.

The post In A Grove first appeared on College Essays Cafe.

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